Uno sguardo raro
The Film Festival that puts a spotlight not on diseases,
but on people, their stories and their different way of living
- A thrilling edition with 50 works in the program, 35 participating countries, 3 competition sections, 20 prizes, 6 different juries.
- Opening on November 10th in Berlin, then in Italy (Rome and Milan) from 13th to 22ndwith a rich calendar of screenings and events
- The public will be able to vote onlineto assign the Award USR PLAY by connecting and registering onunosguardoraro.tv
Claudia Crisafio, artistic director: “The national and international growth recorded by the Festival in these seven years, testifies how the event is concretely contributing to give voice and visibility to a new understanding towards who lives with a rare disease or in conditions of disability and diversity, and to point out the need of full integration.
Rome, 08/11/2022 – The VII edition of UnoSguardoRaro – RDIFF, the first International Film Festival that selects and promotes the best video works from all over the world that face the challenges of life with a rare disease or a condition of diversity. USR RDIFF is one of the first cultural projects that, through cinema, has begun to undermine stereotypes as well as the wall of isolation that surrounds who lives in a condition of fragility linked to rare diseases and disability.
The 2022 edition, ongoing from the 10th to 22nd of November, opens for the first time out of Italy, in Berlin with the participation of the Alliance of Chronic Rare Diseases – ACHSE for short. Founded in 2004 it is the umbrella organization of and for people with chronic rare diseases and their relatives in Germany. With more than 130 patient organizations, ACHSE bundles expertise and knowledge in the field of rare diseases and represents the interests of affected people.
Thursday 10th November from 4.30 pm at IL KINO in Berlin the screening of a selection of short films of the VII edition of this unique Festival, that puts the spotlight on the life and stories of those who face a rare disease or a condition of fragility. A selection of short films finalists and nominees of the USR RDIFF, including German short films will be screened. Directors, actors, and members of the Rare Disease Community will accompany the public during the vision.
The event goes on in Rome with 7 events: on the 13th at the Casa del Cinema, on November 14th at the Goffredo Mameli Library, on the 15th at the Policlinico Gemelli Sala Cinema in collaboration with MEDICINEMA, on the 16th at the Cine Tv R. Rossellini Institute; on the 18th and 19th it returns to the Casa del Cinema for the screening of the finalist works and on the 20th for the award Cerimony. USR RDIFF ends on the 22nd in Milan at the Sala Cinema Ospedale Niguarda, always with MEDICINEMA, with the screening of a selection of the best short films from all the editions.
For the first time, this year feature films have been included in the Call. For the VII edition the sections in competition are 3: Play for national, international, animation, documentary shorts films and the winners will be awarded with of 500 euros each; Patient Advocacy for works on or by PO, Patients, works on awareness, and public communication in health, Lab dedicated to creative writing for cinema.
50 works from 35 countries, among others: Iran, United States, Canada, Iraq, Turkey, France, Germany. 50 stories of lives that travel on different tracks and deal with everyday life problems using transversal skills and creativity, because what for others is simple and natural for others can be complex and difficult.
More than 20 prizes awarded by 6 different juries. USR – HEYOKA that awards shorts on inclusion and empathy, USR – PA SOCIAL that rewards the projects of Communication in Health, USR – FERPI dedicated to the Third Sectors’ Communication. This year 3 important awards have been added: USR- PATIENT ORGANISATIONS, in collaboration with UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare, USR-TELETHON which opens to the theme of research USR – O.Ma.R. whose goal will be announced during the award evening.
“With the new sections we have been able to double the possibilities of screenings and awards, and many more short films and stories, compared to the past, now find their space within the event,” adds Claudia Crisafio, Artistic and Creative Director of the Festival. And continues, “Every short, every story part of our Festival shows that people with rare diseases, who live with a disability are simply more fragile, are an integral part of our society and need their space.”
the quality jury is composed of film and television professionals together with members of the rare disease community, the world of communication, sport, health and education, have selected, among the works pre-selected by the Technical Jury, the finalists and winners for each category. A popular jury that votes online for his favorite short film will assign the special Award USR -PLAY. Voting is open to all on the unosguardoraro.tv platform where, after the registraztion it is possible to see the finalists and vote.
Born in 2016 as a simple movie review, over the years USR RDIFF has gradually become a project that runs all year developing new ideas to support the rare disease community and people with different lives through cinema. Now it is an anticipated international event in which cinema becomes a powerful tool capable of making disease conditions come to real life, because often they are known only in an abstract and stereotypical way. Today the Festival welcomes works that speak of diversity in general and inclusion.
During the six previous editions, 3,000 short films from over 120 countries were viewed, with 55 awards, 20 different collaborations, new sections added and 2 shorts in production. In the 2021 edition alone, a total of about 800 spectators attended the festival events, 600 users who voted on the unosguardoraro.tv platform and almost 12,000 people who followed the program from social media.
The VII edition of UnoSguardoRaro RDIFF received the Medal of the Presidency of the Republic and the Patronage of the Senate of the Republic, Ministry of Culture, Lazio Region, Department of Culture of the City of Rome, Municipality of the City of Milan, Libraries of Rome, EURORDIS Rare Disease Europoe, RAI Documentaries; it is organized in collaboration with Casa del Cinema di Roma, IISS Cine TV Rossellini, Fabbrica Artistica, FERPI, Heyoka, Istituto Regina Elena San Gallicano, Mediaduemia Osservatorio Tuttimedia, Medicinema, Osservatorio Malattie Rare, PA Social, Radio Aidel 22, Scuola Holden, Telethon, UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare; it has received the unconditional contribution of APR Applied Pharma Research, Sanofi, Sobi and Takeda
The project is organized and promoted by the Nove Produzioni Association, which through the lever of culture works to raise awareness on issues of public interest, in particular in the field of rare diseases, disability or discomfort that lead to living in conditions of isolation. Nove Produzioni is based on the passionate work of professionals in entertainment, communication, and healthcare.
The places available are limited, please book by sending an email to comunicazione@noveproduzioni.it You will receive confirmation of the places by email.
All festival information on www.unosguardoraro.org
Press office
Serena Bartezzati cell. 346 955 4495
Anna Borioni cell. 3471409877