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Uno Sguardo Raro

Press release February 15th 2021

Uno sguardo raro





Deadline is May 15th, 2021 to upload the works on the Filmfreeway platform.

Uno Sguardo Raro (A Rare Glance) – The rare disease international film festival, is the first and only film festival on the theme of rare diseases at European level. It selects and promotes the best video works on rare diseases and social inclusion through an international competition and works with public and private partners, both at the national and international level, the rare diseases community, disability advocates, entertainment, and film culture professionals.


Submissions are open for the 4 sections of the RDIFF: ITALIAN SHORT MOVIES, INTERNATIONAL SHORT MOVIES, ANIMATED SHORT MOVIES, maximum duration of 15 minutes, and DOCUMENTARIES maximum 20 minutes.


This year Uno Sguardo Raro – RDIFF will take place from October 4th to the 10th. The event has been shifted from Rare Disease Day, that is celebrated the last day of February every year, to grant more attention to the short movies selected for USR – RDIFF and to focus on the Rare Disease Community in other periods of the year.


Leads of Uno Sguardo Raro RDIFF are always the short movies that are selected from the submissions collected by the Filmfreeway platform:  stories of extra-ordinary people that move powerful emotions in the audience and help to raise awareness of rare diseases, disability, and social inclusion.


A technical jury will preselect the works evaluating the narrative quality as well as the technical one and if the works are on topic. The shortlist of the preselected works will be judged by the quality jury.


The quality jury, composed by film and television professionals together with members of the rare disease community, the world of communication, health, and education, will select the finalists for each category from the short list. Gianmarco Tognazzi, an Italian actor will be the Chair of the Quality Jury for the third year.


Uno Sguardo Raro RDIFF 2021 Awards will go to: Best Italian Short Film, Best International Short Film, Best Animated Short Film, Best Documentary. The winners will receive a prize of € 500.00.


There will be several Special Awards, including: the USR-HEYOKA Award dedicated to those works that highlight topics such as empathy, different abilities, tenacity, and resilience; the Public’s Jury Award will be given to the most voted short film on unosguardoraro.tv. Here public can watch and vote the finalists 2 weeks from the Award Ceremony.


The Festival wants to keep a high focus on rare diseases highlighting the emotional side of who lives with different abilities and at a different pace, but has the same passions, desires, and aspirations of everybody else. Movies can touch the public’s heart in an immediate way, making the audience understand and understand the topic.


“We hope, ” says Claudia Crisafio, actress, author, and co-founder of Uno Sguardo Raro – RDIFF together with Serena Bartezzati, “that young filmmakers are inspired by our event to explore the rare disease community and help to create a more open and inclusive society with their works.”



Uno Sguardo Raro – RDIFF (www.unosguardoraro.org) is a project by Claudia Crisafio, author and actress, and Serena Bartezzati, a communication professional living with a rare disease. Both share Ingmar Bergam’s claim: “There is no art form like the cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul.”


Submission rules, regulations, and information available at: www.unosguardoraro.org; https://filmfreeway.com/Unosguardoraro

serena.bartezzati@Unosguardoraro.org / T. 346 955 4495
