Uno sguardo raro
Cinema: Uno Sguardo Raro, an international film festival dedicated to rare diseases, has been postponed. The stop is due to the epidemiological emergency in progress
Rome, February the 26th 2020 – The 5th Edition of Uno Sguardo Raro – The Rare Disease International Film Festival, the very first and only film festival at European level focused on rare diseases, scheduled to be held between March the 9th and the 15th, had to postpone the dates of the event due to the consequences of the current alert connected to the diffusion in Italy and abroad of the Coronavirus – COVID-19.
The international event will welcome its guests in Rome as soon as the situation gets better, hopefully between spring and summer.
“The Festival also includes screenings in schools and events in several Italian cities, in the presence of an audience. The current guidelines discouraging the gathering of people in closed and crowded places, as well as the difficulties related to transport and travel on the national territory and not, impose, despite ourselves, the decision to postpone”. This is what the two creators of the Festival, Claudia Crisafio and Serena Bartezzati, in announcing the postponement, who added: “Our work, of course, will not stop and we invite you to follow our social media channels and our website for all updates, the list of finalists and new appointments”.
More information
www.unosguardoraro.org; www.facebook.com/unosguardoraro/; Twitter @UnoSguardoRaro; Instagram www.instagram.com/unosguardoraro; info@unosguardoraro.org
Press Office: Gas Communication
Mara Cochetti m.cochetti@gascommunication.com ph. 347 8524261,
Simone Spirito s.spirito@gascommunication.com ph. 339 6293830
Social: contact person Andrea Bencivenga andrea.bencivenga@unosguardoraro.org Ph. 320 8411589
communication coordiantor: Diana Daneluz diana.daneluz@unosguardoraro.org ph. 339 5785378FESTIVAL